Listen to the voices of African Refugees trapped by the EU in the limbo of Interzone, Morocco

maroc-union_europ_1The European Union gives millions of euros a year to the Moroccan government as part of the European Neighbourhood Policy to prevent migrants and refugees from entering Spain so that they can claim asylum or look for a better life. These migrants and refugees come from all over Africa and beyond, fleeing poverty, dictatorships, climate change,  war and persecution in their home countries, all of which are former European colonies.

fence2Non-Moroccan migrants, especially black people from further south in Africa, face racial discrimination in Morocco from police and other authorities. They are denied the right to work, healthcare and even education for their children. They also live in constant fear of police violence.

boatMost have no way to return home and so their only option is to push forward to reach Europe, despite the deadly obstacles of either: (1) crossing the sea in small overcrowded boats; or (2) attempting to get over the hi-tech border fences that surround the two cities of Ceuta and Melilla on the north coast of Morocco, which are considered Spanish (and E.U.) territory, despite being on African soil.

black-baby-forestCrossing the border fences around Ceuta and Melilla is very difficult and requires hundreds of people to run at the fences at the same time in order that a minority may enter. Those who are unsuccessful head back to camps like the one in this picture, without basic necessities like food, shelter and medical aid. There they wait until enough of them have summoned up the strength to try again.

Interzone Voices supports migrants and refugees in Morocco with medical supplies and other basic necessities, as well as collecting their testimonies of human rights abuses carried out against them. We want to use these interviews to raise awareness and build a movement to change EU policy. Click on ‘Migrant Voices’ above to hear more from the migrants themselves, on ‘Interzone Music’ to hear music by and about migrants in Morocco, and ‘News and General’ info to learn more about the general situation.

Contact us at if you can donate money or help us in other ways, such as by travelling to Morocco or helping raise awareness in Europe.